Wednesday 3 December 2008

New phone

I didn't want a new phone. I didn't need a new phone. But they kept calling me up and I kept telling them to call back because I was busy. But eventually I gave in. It wasn't costing anything after all.

And then when I got in on Tuesday there was a note to say they'd left it at No 21. So I knocked on Tony's door (Tony is an actor, taxi driver and general busybody, but he's ok) and sure enough he had it.

It's smart. Even though it took me about half an hour to get the back off so I could put the battery and sim card in I was quite excited with it. Nice design, nice shape, nice camera.

So I thought why not put some music on it. Fiddled with it to insert the USB lead but it just would not fit. Poked and prodded and drove myself nuts, trying other leads, violence, subtlety, screaming, all to no avail.

Is it a design fault? Am I missing something? Oh I know I need to ask somebody, or check the manual, or take it to the shop. I shouldn't take it personally I know. But Nokia, 3 Mobile - I want to take some violent revenge on you! For depriving me of something which I never particularly wanted in the first place!

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