Tuesday 25 November 2008

In principio

Ha ha, I had to start this just so I could post a comment on somebody else's (Ingvill's, hi)

Never wanted to, I will only irritate people...

Today I am in conceited intellectual mood/mode. My Spanish colleague sent a silly survey around asking "Should we have someone famous working here?"

I answered:

No thanks! 'Fame’ is a construct used by late capitalism to distract the people from their true desires, keep them in their place and assuage the anxieties of the anomie of fractured modernity. It is more important to celebrate the autonomy of the "ordinary" individual. ( From my thesis "Hello! - Celebrity culture and the coming apocalypse" University of Old Holborn 1997)

But actually I mean it! The old situationist is as unreconstructed as ever...


RocíoFuentesTheBest.com said...

Heyyyyyyyy Hugh!! What do you mean with Silly Survey??? Ah I'm highly offended!!!!

heavyrain said...

Sorrrrry! I didn't mean the whole survey, just the famous person question. Of course really I want Jonathan Ross to come to 190 so we can have an arse kicking contest.